Noc is a very corrupt officer, obeying Scharnhorst without caring if she is wrong, lying any time and to anyone he deems convenient, and even trying to pull off scams. He is one of the people who have a dislike for Jack Tenrec. Noc (voiced by Don Dickinson) – The Captain of the Guards in the City in the Sea.Even though Toulouse means well, he is not used to the outdoor lifestyles of Jack Tenrec. His concerns all lie on the morale and attitude of the public regarding potential problems. Governor Toulouse (voiced by Philip Williams) – Toulouse is the public relations man of the governors.Dahlgren has a bad habit of flirting with any man. Her governing styles are said to have been heavily influenced by Jack. Governor Dahlgren (voiced by Kristina Nicoll) – A female who is the voice of reason to the governors.Despite her callous nature, Wilhelmina only wants what's best for her city and knows when to respect Jack. To deal with Jack Tenrec, Wilhelmina has hired Hammer Terhune and his gang to do her dirty work.

Jack and his crew square off against opposition including the Council of Governors and Hammer Terhune's gang. The show also includes a race of intelligent lizards called "Griths". Gentle with Jack and Hannah, he can still be rather fierce when angered. Jack also has Hermes, a juvenile "cutter" that Jack hand-reared after the latter's mother death. Together they confront the serious issues facing the futuristic environment that humanity has come to inhabit. She hires Jack as a liaison while she attempts to create clear communication between her land and the modern civilization. His often-reluctant companion is the foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee.
#Hannah cadillacs and dinosaurs series#
The series followed the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics".